Workplace Strategies that Boost the Bottom Line

Workplace Wellbeing as a Core Business Strategy

Returns On Wellbeing Institute is a research, analysis, and strategic consulting firm that helps employers design and implement workplace wellbeing initiatives that achieve strategic business outcomes. 

Our approach to whole-person health centers on our research-based best practices framework that focuses on boosting employees’ physical, mental, and financial wellbeing to achieve optimal health and wellbeing outcomes.

Our approach also helps employers pursue measurable business returns, including lower healthcare costs, better productivity and engagement, and lower turnover, while cementing your reputation as an employer of choice.

New Research:

Best Practices Report

How award-winning wellness programs follow best practices to meet human capital challenges, including:

  • Analysis of 18 award-winning wellness programs
  • How to achieve better employee health outcomes
  • How wellness programs can deliver business returns
  • Tips for earning C Suite support and funding

Sign up to receive your free copy

Pet-Supportive Workplace Study

Returns On Wellbeing Institute is conducting a new research study to explore the business case for supporting employee pet ownership. 

The Problem:

Americans are suffering from poor physical health, mental health challenges, and financial stress. And though employers spend billions a year to improve employee health, most wellness programs are not achieving better employee outcomes or business returns to justify the cost of these investments.

The Returns On Wellbeing Institute has found that employers can address these problems, lower costs, boost profits, and earn a competitive advantage by focusing on these three aspects of whole-person health.

Physical Health

America is the unhealthiest of all industrialized nations. Over half of Americans have a chronic disease, 93 Million are obese, and over 100 Million are diabetic or pre-diabetic (CDC).

Financial Wellbeing

53% of US employees have financial stress. And because 60% of households can’t meet significant financial emergencies, many US workers are severely stressed and increasingly

Mental Health

Stress affects 8 out of 10 US workers, and 20% have a diagnosable mental illness. Mental health is a top cause of lower productivity, absenteeism, poor physical health, and human suffering.

How We’re Different

We don’t approach workplace wellbeing as a single tactic or program. Our wellbeing framework is grounded in a multi-disciplinary approach based on data-driven insights in all aspects of employee wellbeing.

Whole Person:

Wellness programs centered on physical health, gym memberships and smoking cessation haven’t made employees healthier. We take a whole-person approach that includes physical, mental, and financial wellbeing as the proven way to improve employees’ lives.

Proven Framework:

Our comprehensive, evidence-based best practice framework helps employers guide strategic planning, whole-person health, workplace culture, purpose, leadership, and measuring outcomes and returns to ensure wellbeing initiatives achieve their full potential.

Employee Input:

Workplace wellbeing is a partnership. Because employers can’t assume they know what employees need, we utilize employee assessments and focus groups to design programs that meet employee needs and interests and ensure enthusiastic participation rates.